
We take Industrial Air Filtration to the Next Level with Full Line Designs

Our experience and commitment to commercial & industrial air purification have brought us to where we are today - manufacturing complete air filtration systems & industrial ventilation products that provide the best performance, efficiency, and capacity for the money. Our experience in the industry has led to the development of the complete line of AzTech commercial air purifiers, industrial air cleaners (ambient as well as ducted), filter walls, robotic hoods, mist collectors, environmental booths and portable welding fume extractors. At Industrial Maid we strive to be a full-line provider of all your industrial air filtration needs. When comparing air filtration systems, we guarantee that Industrial Maid equipment gives you the best dollar value in the industry. All of our industrial ventilation units are manufactured at our plant in Cortland Nebraska and our customers trust that every product we sell is of the highest quality in both design and construction. Listening to our customers has made our engineering team keenly aware of how important it is to maximize return on investment. You will find that all Industrial Maid air cleaners are designed with close attention to achieving low maintenance costs and extended service intervals without compromising airflow and efficiency.

Industrial Training Services, Inc. Has been approved as an Accredited Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). In obtaining this accreditation, ITS has demonstrated that it complies with the ANSI/IACET Standards which are widely recognized as standards of good practice internationally.


Ohio Industrial Commission Votes to Rescind Memo D5 - Voluntary Abandonment. Action was necessary because the provisions of Amended Substitute House Bill 81, which became effective September 15, 2020, rendered Memo D5 obsolete. Resolution Update: IC Resolution 19-1-01 IC Medical Exam Fee Schedule has been adopted. ASRock Industrial Computer was established as an independent company in July 2018, focusing on the fields of motherboards, edge computers and cameras, and other products for the manufacturing, business and retail industries. It is the world's leader in Industrial PC motherboards, with customers located around the globe.

The Industrial General Permit regulates industrial storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges from industrial facilities in California. The Industrial General Permit is called a general permit because many industrial facilities are covered by the same permit, but comply with its requirements at their individual industrial facilities. The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) and Regional Water Quality Control Boards (collectively, the Water Boards) implement and enforce the Industrial General Permit.

MSC Industrial Supply Co. MSC Industrial Supply, Inc. Is a leading North American distributor of metalworking and maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) products and services. With over 75 years of experience, MSC is dedicated to helping customers drive greater productivity, profitability and growth. MSC Industrial Supply Co. MSC Industrial Supply, Inc. Is a leading North American distributor of metalworking and maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) products and services.

  • NEW! Guidance for Compliance with the Industrial Stormwater General Permit in Areas Impacted by Wildfires

The Statewide General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities, Order 2014-0057-DWQ (Industrial General Permit or IGP) implements the federally required storm water regulations in California for storm water associated with industrial activities discharging to waters of the United States. The IGP regulates discharges associated with 10 federally defined categories of industrial activities.

Industrial facilities such as manufacturers, landfills, mining, steam generating electricity, hazardous waste facilities, transportation with vehicle maintenance, larger sewage and wastewater plants, recycling facilities, and oil and gas facilities are typically required to obtain Industrial General Permit coverage. See Attachment A of the permit for a complete list of facilities covered by the Industrial General Permit.

  • Regulated Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes:
  • If industrial facility requires permit coverage you can review the types of permit coverage and the register to obtain coverage through SMARTS

In the adoption of the IGP in 2014, the State Water Board recognized the need for a comprehensive training program to provide a statewide training specifically for individuals assisting Dischargers with compliance of this permit, standardized knowledge of implementing the Industrial General Permit through training, and required quality assurance, sampling methods, and protocols for storm water discharge sampling. Obtaining storm water discharge data that is higher in quality is crucial for future regulations in the permit.

  • Impaired Waterbody and Total Maximum Daily Load Map Tool
    • Impaired Waterbody Map Features:
      • This map tool allows a user to locate Hydrologic Unit Code 10 (HUC-10) watersheds and impaired waterbodies with applicable requirements from Appendix 3 of the Industrial General Permit.
    • Total Maximum Daily Load Map Features:
      • This map tool allows a user to find Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) waterbody(ies) or watersheds that will have implementation requirements through the Industrial General Permit effective July 1, 2020.

    • DISCLAIMER: The map tool is for information only and there is no explicit or implied assurance of the accuracy for the information provided. The map tool will help Dischargers determine potentially applicable TMDL requirements based upon facility location, but it is ultimately the responsibility of the Discharger to identify applicable TMDL requirements by identifying the facility’s: 1) receiving waterbody(ies), 2) the pollutants discharged, and 3) applicable requirements in Attachment E of the Industrial General Permit.

The resources presented are intended to provide guidance on the Industrial General Permit and to provide some outreach materials on the permit for use by the public, storm water professionals and other agencies.

Electronic Reporting

Industrial Engineering

Industrial Design

(Updated 11/18/2020)