Turret Defencefun In Ict

Turrets are defense buildings. If you equip it with a ranged weapon, it will shoot for you. Just like 99% of the other games, the higher the tier, the better it is. To craft the turret, you need 50 wood, 30 stone, and an additional 50 of the desired resource. Place & upgrade units along each of the pathways leading upwards to your hero at the end.

Crystal Rock
Golem Culture
Stack Size
A beautiful crystal of many colors. I've heard rumors of it being used as a conductor to fantastic results.
  • Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates.
  • Defence Turrets are automated projectile or laser weapon emplacements with considerable firepower. Too large and energy-draining to be installed on most ships, Defence Turrets are typically used to provide protection for Stations, Surface Port, Megaships, and Fleet Carriers. 1 Space Defence Turrets 1.1 Station 1.2 MK IV Weapons Platform 2 Surface Defence Turrets 2.1 Anti-Ground 2.2 Anti-Air 2.

Crystal Rock is one of the items found in the Golem Culture.

Crafting & Acquisition

Crafting & Acquisition
Le Retailer338
Drops From
Golem DungeonGolem Head
Wanderer DungeonGolem Head
Lootable From
Unknown if this item is looted from anything.

Used to Craft

This item is not currently used to craft anything.

Used to Trade For

This is part of the Between Dimensions DLC. The ICT Trader changes trades on a daily basis.
This item is not currently used to trade for anything.

Selling & Reactions

49 66 66
62 83 102
65 87 105
66+ 88+ 106+
Golem Culture
Stack Size
A beautiful crystal of many colors. I've heard rumors of it being used as a conductor to fantastic results.
Turret defencefun in ict applications

Crystal Rock is one of the items found in the Golem Culture.

Crafting & Acquisition

Crafting & Acquisition
Le Retailer1,885
Drops From
Golem DungeonGolem Head
Wanderer DungeonGolem Head
Lootable From
Unknown if this item is looted from anything.

Used to Craft

This item is not currently used to craft anything.

Used to Trade For

This is part of the Between Dimensions DLC. The ICT Trader changes trades on a daily basis.
This item is not currently used to trade for anything.

Selling & Reactions

281 376 376
346 461 566
362 482 587
363+ 483+ 588+

See Also

MerchantGolemForestDesertTechInterdimensional (DLC)ICT (DLC)
Vine • Root • Teethstone • Whetstone • Iron Bar • Crystal Rock • Ancient Pot • Crystallized Energy • Glass Lenses • Golem Core • Water Sphere • Broken Sword • Foundry Rests • Fabric • Water Lamp • White Stone • Gold Runes • Hardened Steel • Old Golem Minion Design • Golem Volume • Golem Chisel • Golem Designs I • Golem Designs II • Golem Designs III • Rune Tool • Golem History I • Golem History II • Golem History III • Golem King Jottings • Golem King Energy Crystal

Retrieved from 'https://moonlighter.gamepedia.com/Crystal_Rock?oldid=11674'


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July 03 2018, By Juliet Ugochi

A literature review is usually the second chapter in a research project or dissertation. It shows how the related works in a field of study influence what a researcher is doing in his own research work. The objective is to use the academic works you will consult to provide a stimulus for your own work. Before you consider which content to include from your literature, you need to remind yourself of the main purposes of your work. The literature review provides the historical background for your research and also gives Read More>>>

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How to Write an Effective Research Proposal | How to Apply for Research Grants in Nigeria

Nov 11, 2012 by Chidi Rafael

Just imagine a project defense room where you are presenting your research work in such an awesome way, and your panel members just can’t stop nodding, gazing at you with their mouths wide open and clapping non-stop for you…It is just an imagination, so wake up! Put more work to it by reading this article, apply it and pray your panel members do not turn your project defence to project attack! Project defense has come to stay, and the only way to graduate in Nigerian universities is to at least defend what you have written (or copied and paste) in a convincing manner. Gone are the days when you could just copy and paste an article from the internet and dump for your school. Our Nigerian school system is changing from dumping grounds to speech oriented institutions, which means that you must be good at presentations in order to scale through. At times students confuse themselves with content of their work. The truth is that it is better to be more confident with a poor content, than to be un-able to defend an excellent research work...Read More

Oct 13, 2014 By Chidi Rafael

Below are likely questions you may face in a defense room. Take note of these questions and suggested answers, do good by researching more and not limiting yourself to just these questions.

Question 1: In few sentences, can you tell us what your study is all about?
The question is simple right? Many professors will tell you that most students get choked on a question like this. Anyways the question is simple, but a bit technical. To answer this question, you need to know every detail of your research project from chapters one to the end. The question needs an answer in form of a summary of the entire study, therefore, to ace this particular question you need to know every detail in your abstract. If you wrote a good abstract, this question will be a cross over for you. >>>Read More Click Here


Turret Defencefun In Ict

September 17, 2015 By Ugochi Juliet


The enormous achievements in development in most of the developed countries comes mainly through research. This made former president Goodluck Jonathan to task the nation universities in the art of research. Following this mandate by the federal government, the regulatory body of all universities in the nation, the Nigerian Universities Commission (NUC) has been introducing various commendable schemes and awards to advance the standard of education in the country as well promote research among university students.

One of such award scheme was the Nigerian Universities Doctoral Thesis Award Scheme (NUDTAS) which evolved from the Nigerian Universities Postgraduate Thesis Award Scheme (NUPTAS) also instituted by the NUC (Nigerian Universities Commission). According to the NUC, the scheme was introduced to promote best practices among universities, identifying and encouraging best PhD thesis, encourage academic research among students and to boost postgraduate scholarship. This can be achieved by the students and their schools investing their intellect and time in research. This is important as research plays an important role in nation building. Read More>>>


Dec 27, 2014 By Austine Archibong

Research work could take the most unexpected twist and turn. It is a nerve-racking experience. Usually, if approached in a haphazard manner, valuable time could be lost.

In big research corporations, each researcher has a set of responsibilities and area of focus, this might help and aid timely completion of research work. However, in personal or unstructured research work, these tips on time management is life-saving.

Without any bias to any form of research, these tips are generally applicable. >>>Read More Here

May 23, 2015 By Chidi Rafael

Welcome to the second series of my planned four series on the theme ‘Secret Revealed: Discover what your supervisor is looking for and how your project is graded’. Without a doubt undoubtedly, the first series which covered the proposal and introductory chapter of a research project was a great read.
This second series will reveal to you my awesome reader what supervisors’ look out for in your literature review. So, as usual enjoy!


  1. Introduction
  2. Theoretical Framework
  3. Conceptual Review
  4. Empirical Review
  5. Summary of Chapter>>>Read More Here

Dec 24, 2012 By Chidi Rafael

Turret Defencefun In Ict Applications

Just like news headlines, your research project topic is your first selling point. If media houses do not caption a football match between Nigeria and Ghana as 'Nigeria and Ghana goes to War again' they may continue enjoying being broke. In essence, your project topic and the material you produce should be captivating. It should have the magical power to draw people’s interest, and achieve good grades for you. Your ability to come up with an interesting and good research project topic is your first step in building an 'A' in Research Methodology. Fantastic research papers in Nigeria do not fall from heaven. They come about as a result of serious brainstorming mixed with great fun. Anyways in my little experience as an independent researcher, I do not entirely agree that developing a project topic should be too tasking. I rather see it as fun...Read More


Turret Defencefun In Ict Syllabus

September 2015, By Ugochi Juliet

The highest level of education that exists is the PhD. While it can be frustrating and tiring, your dissertation, which is your final result is a very rewarding thing for you and a major achievement in your life. With a zeal to help PhD students with their thesis, the duo of Dr. Gordon Rugg and Dr. Marian Petre wrote the book - The Unwritten Rules of PhD Research. This is a no-holds-barred look about what you as an individual needs to know when it comes to PhD research. The tone of the book is witty from the start so that you will smile as you learn the important messages it passes across. In the book, doctoral thesis is seen as a respected work of art, one that you learned from your master as an apprentice. This means that when you present your thesis research, you should present it as someone who has thoroughly learned all about your subject and done all the necessary research on it. Read More>>>

By Jerry Morgan

Attending research methodology & statistics lectures have only taught me one thing - that there is a significant relationship between hypothesis testing (especially regression) and coma! I mean i stay in class and only see figures flying from no where. Our education system is not even helping matters at all. These lecturers just come and bomb bard us with mathematical formulars when we do not even know how to apply the right hypothesis to our various research studies. In my quest to help my self and relief my self from this new found headace, I met Douglas a don in Economics. For regression test like Ordinary Least Square (OLS), Unit root test (Stationarity test), cointegration test, Error correction mechanism/Model (ECM) and any economics assignment/ Term Paper contact ResearchClue 08169050575


August 23, 2014 By Chidi Rafael

This power packed article will reveal awesome tips that will aid you in avoiding plagiarism and getting ahead of your supervisor. Even the likes of Turnitin, Viper, and Plagtracker etc will never see your brake lights. Enjoy! >>>Read it Here


Turret Defencefun In Ict Development

Dec 4, 2014 By Austine Archibong

We were assembled. We argued. We were at each other's throats. Then we settled. We laughed hard. We played, prayed and hoped. Together. We presented. We failed. We were blamed altogether. Then we pointed accusing fingers at each other. Finally, we accepted our fate and moved on.
This is a condensed depiction of what happened in a group research project I was recently involved in. You see in life, at some point we would all have to be engaged in group work of some sort. >>>Read More Here


Dec 8, 2014 By Samuel Ekpo

This is a common issue in the course of researching in an academic situation. The ideologies of the supervisor and the students might not always be similar.
This should however be handled with caution as a strained relationship would affect the tone of the research work, the drive of both parties, the final grade assigned to the student and the psyche of the student even. The conflict here is assumed nothing physical but any that might hinder or slow down the pace of work between both parties. >>>Read More Here

July 8, 2013 By Chidi Rafael

Being a ‘regular customer’ to your project supervisor is something now common among many Nigerian final year students. Believe it or leave it! Some students can meet their project supervisors up to 15 times before they scale through chapter one. If you are having headache convincing your supervisor to approve your chapter one or proposal, then this article is for you. You are welcome to my first part of ‘Discover what your supervisor is looking for in your project work’. This first series will cover the proposal/introductory sections of your research work. As we all know, good grades do not just fall from heaven-it takes hard work and favor from God. Before you submit that seminar paper or research paper with the caption ‘submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of a degree’…. Your work must be good enough.
The first thing most supervisors’ need from every student is their project proposal or a chapter one. This phase of a research work is the most important if you ask me. Why? Because this is the foundation in which all research designs, findings, measurement instruments will depend on. For instance your ability to link the background of the study with your problem statement will go a long way in helping you to develop good objectives and research questions to guide the entire study. So you now see why this research phase is so important? Read More

Nov 7, 2013 By Chidi Rafael

Due to numerous emails students keep sending to me concerning difficulties they face when trying to write a good and standard abstract, I have decided to pick up my pen once again, do some research and tackle this issue once and for all. Writing an abstract in an important phase in the research process; hence in-order to make good grades with your research project and impress your readers, one must be familiar with the techniques of writing a good, concise and standard abstract. Before I discourse on how to write a good abstract, let’s talk a bit about an abstract. Is it a bird or an insect? Absolutely not a bird or an insect, an abstract in simple terms is a summary of a research project, thesis. Dissertation, research journal etc. abstracts are usually seen at the beginning of research paper...Read More


Dec 15, 2014 By Samuel Ekpo

During or after research, there is usually a need to analyze; to present the information gotten in a presentable and easily understood format.
There are numerous packages or softwares that could be used to achieve this.
The choice of the method to use in the analysis depends on the function to be achieved. However, even for the same function, there are multiple means of analysing data, hence, certain things should be noted.
The method might be based on the popularity of the option in your environ. It might be based also on what you were taught with in school. It might be specially required for the kind of work you are doing. Possible options are discussed below. All options have their pros and cons.>>>Read More Here


Dec 13, 2014 By Austine Archibong

I once stumbled upon a sentence that greatly inspired me. The saying goes thus: Every writer is a thief! Certainly you'd be quick to dispute that. The thing is, we were born without the knowledge we have now garnered overtime, it is the work of others that we have digested to become this informed.
In research, it is usual that there would be an in-depth digging of past and similar work. It is required that due credit is given to the author of what-so-ever sentence, experimental work, or excerpt adapted into your work. This is to acknowledge their efforts, sponsor hard-work and discourage theft of any form. This also helps the readers/reviewers of your work locate the past work and go over.
Plagiarism - claiming someone else's work as yours is a terrible offence and a laugh-off of creativity. This is strongly discouraged in all climes. Hence, the need for this guide. >>>Read More Here


Dec 28, 2014 By Japheth A. Yaya

Hypothesis is a testable prediction, a statement of specific results or a suggested answer to a research problem or a conjectural statement of the relationship between two or more variable being investigated or a deduction from a postulate (Akinade&Owolabi, 2009; Awoniyi, Aderanti&Tayo, 2011; Cherry, 2014).It can be regarded as the suggested answer to a research objective and problem. It is an idea or guess regarding how the researcher thinks the results of a study will look like. Simply put, it is a tentative assumption, supposition, guess, inference, explanation or prediction about some phenomenon that can be tested in a reasonable time frame. It is always put in declarative statement to relate the research variables to each other generally or specifically.While the hypothesis predicts what the researchers expect to see, the goal of research is to determine whether this guess is right or wrong (Cherry, 2014). >>>Read More Here


September 17, 2015. By Ugochi Juliet

Project writing and presentation is a prerequisite of getting a degree by a student, either for graduate degree or postgraduate degree. You need to read widely and extensively so you can have a lot of materials, combined with what your lecturers thought you, to write a very good project. After the write-up, comes the presentation. To make a good presentation of your project, there are some rules you need to adhere to. There are some do’s and don’ts you should stick to, to make sure that your project presentation goes well. First let’s see the don’ts, the things you should not do. Read More>>>

Turret Defencefun In Ict Igcse


September 17, 2015. By Ugochi Juliet

Many Nigerian students require some form of financial help to further their studies. Sometimes they may need this money to travel abroad and complete their studies. This can be obtained through scholarships and grants. There are many scholarships and grants available to Nigerian students either to help them complete their education here in the country or to travel abroad for their schooling. These scholarships are provided by government, non-governmental organisation, international agencies, individuals, educational institutions and corporations.

The grants and scholarships are meant to give students financial relief from schooling and education affordable to the winners. To be able to win these scholarships there are certain guidelines you need to know, there are methods of applying for scholarship that will get you accepted for the award. Here are some of the things you need to bear in mind before you apply for a scholarship so as to increase your chance of being selected. Read More>>>