Community & Preventive Medicine

Community & Preventive Medicine Scholarship The Osteopathic philosophy encourages the treatment of our patients through a whole body experience, taking account for matters of the mind, body and spirit.

Remember my username/e-mail for future logins on this device. Forgot your password? SIGN IN WITH GOOGLE SIGN IN WITH OFFICE 365. Community Virtual Care visits available 24/7. For other care needs, call 317-621-2727 to be directed. For other care needs, call 317-621-2727 to be directed. Visitor Policies: Visitation is still limited in locations and care areas. Welcome to the Blackboard Community. The Blackboard Community is a place for Blackboard users to connect and collaborate. Community is more than a platform, it’s a culture of innovation, knowledge sharing and partnership with the global education community.

Our division focuses on improving health and preventing disease across diverse populations. Although we are in Atlanta, our work is global, influencing the well-being of our community and our world.

We conduct research to better understand the chronic and acute disease, how to prevent conditions through lifestyle and wellness, and what policy and procedures can better enhance our systems and government.

Our results are implemented into real-life clinical practice and into larger, complex healthcare system policy all with the goal of promoting healthier, longer lives with fewer actualized complications from easily preventable conditions.


Community Medicine Vs Preventive Medicine

The Division of Preventive Medicine collaborates with multiple healthcare systems including:

Alison Brie

Governmental agencies

United Community Bank

Housed within the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, ourfaculty see patients in:

  • Family medicine clinics
  • Infectious disease clinics
  • Childhood obesity prevention programs
  • HIV clinics
  • Travel medicine clinics.

The partnerships we have developed across multiple settings has allowed us to pursue research, grants, and residency rotations that are unparalleled.