Unit 5 Tobacco, Alcohol, And Drugs


  1. Navy Alcohol Drugs Tobacco Training
  2. Alcohol Tobacco And Other Drugs

Unit 5 (Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs) Study Guide Over the counter drug - a drug that can be purchased to relieve signs and symptoms of an illness Compare and Contrast commonly used Over the Counter medicines: -Analgesics and Anti-inflammatory - to relieve pain, fever and inflammation. Media Moments Unit 5: Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs Name: Block: Alcohol-Watch the clip and write a thoughtful response in the space provided. Clip A: No Brainer OK 1. How does alcohol use affect a person’s decision making abilities and coordination?

Unit 6: Alcohol and Drugs

Unit Essential Questions (UEQ's):
-What are drugs, street drugs and medicines?
-What are the differences between drugs and street drugs?
-Which drugs are most likely to be misused or abused?
-What is the chain of addiction?
-What are drug treatment options?
-What are the steps and rewards of being drug free?
-What are refusal skills?
Unit Essential Questions (UEQ's):
-What are the short term effects of alcohol use?
-What are the long term effects of alcohol use?
-What is alcoholism?
-How can you seek help for alcohol abuse?

Learning Targets

Drugs and Alcohol
1. I can identify substance abuse treatment options.
2. I can identify and demonstrate refusal skills.
3. I can identify the short-term effects of substance abuse.
4. I can identify the long-term effects of substance abuse.

Jacqueline's Saburido's Inspiring Story Link:
Navy alcohol drugs tobacco training

Alcohol Tobacco And Other Drugs

NOTES & Classwork‎ > ‎

UNIT 5: Tobacco, Alcohol & other Drug Prevention

Tobacco, Alcohol & Other Drug Prevention

Classwork- Complete the Guided Note Sheet and the Binge Drinking Article & Questions:

Go to http://kidshealth.orgClick on Teen, Click on Drugs and alcohol Click on Alcohol, Then Click on Binge Drinking

1.What is Binge Drinking?

2.Why do people binge drink?

3.What are the 5 risks of binge drinking?

4. What is alcohol poisoning?

5. What are the signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning?

6. How can binge drinking affect your mental health?

7. What are some of the symptoms of alcoholism are in regards to binge drinking?

8. What are the warning signs that someone might have a substance abuse problem?

9. What are some resources you or someone you know can turn to if you needed help with a substance abuse problem?

Homework- What are the Consequences of Alcohol and Drug Use? Complete the Guided Notes AND Smoking and Your Health Worksheet (See Below- WS-Smoking.pdf)
Classwork- Fill in the Graphic Organizer for each of the Presentations
Homework- Denial or Enabling: You Make the Choice
1. There's nothing wrong with me. There is something wrong with you for not wanting to cut loose every now and then.
3. I can quit any time. I just don't want to right now.
4. My daughter would never do drugs. She's not the type.
5. I just have a drink every night to help me sleep.
6. My brother doesn't drink too much. Just leave him alone.
7. My girlfriend's under a lot of stress. That's why she smokes pot.
9. You write one ENABLING statement.
10. Write either a DENIAL or ENABLING statement. (make sure you write which one you did)

AIM- What role does their background, family and friends play in their drug use and their addiction?
Classwork- Watching the Show Intervention- Sebastian & Marcel
Project- Intervention Paper-Drug Abuse: Write a 1 page paper about your reactions to the episode that we watched.
An overall brief summary of the episode that you watched .
Your reaction to the 2 boys, their family members response to their drug use
Explain how it affected the 2 boys, the father, mother and brother.
Also include your view points on addiction after watching this show and how has this show changed or shaped your views/values about using drugs in YOUR future.
* If you are absent for both days, you can complete an alternate assignment (look under Projects for the Intervention Assignment and then the alternate assignment is found below)
AIM: - What are ways that drug use affect all aspects of a persons life?
Classwork- Watching the Show Intervention- Sebastian & Marcel
Project- Intervention Paper-Drug Abuse: Write a 1 page paper about your reactions to the episode that we watched.
An overall brief summary of the episode that you watched .
Your reaction to the 2 boys, their family members response to their drug use
Explain how it affected the 2 boys, the father, mother and brother.
Also include your view points on addiction after watching this show and how has this show changed or shaped your views/values about using drugs in YOUR future.
* If you are absent for both days, you can complete an alternate assignment (look under Projects for the Intervention Assignment and then the alternate assignment is found below)
AIM: - TEST Today!