British Pronunciation Lessonsielts Document

SKKN - Difficulties in teaching and learning Pronunciation in Language Focus periods – English 11 and some solutionsSKKN - Difficulties in teaching and learning Pronunciation in Language Focus periods – English 11 and some solutionsSKKN - Difficulties in. 10 Simple and Useful Strategies to Master Your English Pronunciation. Mastering English pronunciation may be the goal, but that doesn’t mean that there’s only one way to reach it. As with everything else in life, everybody has their own way to accomplish their goals. No matter your needs and wants, these strategies will get you there. Highlight a passage in the active document and click on the print icon. I saved my work and opened a new document. Scroll through the document using the scroll bar. Scroll through the document using the slider bar on the right of the window. Send and receive documents at the click of a button. To create a new document, select New from the File. Defence document pronunciation. How to say defence document. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English.

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British English vs. American English: Pronunciation

I have documented many mispronounced words, however this entry concentrates on words you are probably saying correctly, as there are two ways to say them.

“How should we pronounce these words in Singapore”

Most of the words have either a British (BrE) pronunciation or an American (AmE) pronunciation. In Singapore there is quite a mix of pronunciations, even if English is based on the British system (spelling etc.). For example in Singapore; privacy, vitamin, tomato are commonly pronounced the American way, and advertisement, missile, and mobile are pronounced the British way.

So which pronunciation should you use?


British Pronunciation

American Pronunciation

1. Advertisementuhd-VER-tis-muhntAD-ver-ties-muhnt
2. Baldbor-ldbold
3. Cliquecleekclik
4. Eithereye-thuhee-thuhr
5. EnvelopeEN-VUH-lohp / ON-vuh-lohp
6. EsplanadeES-pluh-naydES-pluh-nard
7. LeisureLEZH-uhLEE-zhuhr
8. MobileMOH-bye-ulMOH-buhl
9. MissileMIS-eye-ulMIS-uhl
10. NeitherNIGH-thuhNEE-thuh
11. Nicheneeshnitch
12. OftenOF-uhn / OF-tuhn
13. ParliamentPAR-li-muhntPAR-luh-muhnt
14. PrivacyPRIV-uh-seePRAI-vuh-see
15. SemiSEM-eeSEM-eye
16. ScheduleSHED-joolSKED-jool
17. Sconeskonskohn
18. Stancestarnsstans
19. Tomatotuh-MAR-toetuh-MAY-toe
20. Vasevarzvays
21. VitaminVIT-uh-minVAI-tuh-min
22. Wrathrothrath


British Pronunciation

American Pronunciation

Produce (noun)prod-joosproh-joos
Progress (noun)PROH-gressPROG-ress
Project (noun)PROH-jectPROJ-ect

These lists are really focused on single differences where the vowel or consonant are sounded differently. Please do forgive me if in some cases an American or British speaker can use both, when I’ve said otherwise.

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Take a look at this article for reasons why there is a difference in the first place. Generally, “the British took a French word and re-pronounced it according to English spelling rules, while Americans preferred a pronunciation that sounded more French, even if the word is still heavily Anglicized.”

Interestingly, in Britain a lot of the American pronunciations are creeping into everyday usage. For example:

  • Schedule (SKED-jool)
  • Advertisement (AD-ver-ties-muhnt)
PronunciationBritish Pronunciation Lessonsielts Document

Linguists put changing pronunciations down to the influence of broadcasters and US culture.

There is so much more to cover in terms of pronunciation differences including but not limited to:


Ielts Pronounce

  • Which syllable to stress in a word
  • Rhoticity (sounding or not sounding the ‘r’ sound in words)
British pronunciation lessonsielts documents

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Try to be clear and pronounce words correctly based on the dictionary definition.