Morman's 7th Grade ELA Course. This 7th Grade ELA course uses the Socratic Method. The Socratic Method encourages scholars to think critically while engaging one another by asking a variety of open-ended questions. The answers to the questions are creative, thought-provoking and often related to each scholars’ personal.
- Some 7th grade specifics for Mrs. Yeagle's ELA Classroom: Classroom Rules 1. (Or fake it 'til you make it!) Additional Classroom Expectations 1. Be on time and be prepared. Use your time wisely. Try your hardest - and ask if you need help!
- English Language Arts Reading Comprehension GRADE 7 Student Name School Name. Grade 7 English Language Arts. MCAS2006Gr7ELAPT READING COMPREHENSION 1.
- Vocabulary Collectors! Each week, you will choose two vocabulary words to collect. One MUST be from a book you are reading. The other can be found anywhere (word of the day, vocabulary board.
*Assignments may be altered based on student needs and scheduling.
Learning Target: I can analyze texts andwrite for a variety of tasks citing text evidence. (W.7.9,W.7.10)
Language Objective: Read,speak, listen, and write citing text evidence.
Bell Ringer: Read quietly for about 10 minutes every day when you walkinto class.
Topic: The Outsiders – Movie/BookComparisons and Contrasts
Agenda: 1. Finish movie and the Text Connections Sheet and the Venndiagram. Hand in.
2. Beginwatching “Behind the Scenes.”
TUESDAY, MAY 21st______________________________________________________________________________
Topic: The Outsiders – Movie/BookComparisons and Contrasts
Agenda: 1. Finishwatching “Behind the Scenes.”
WEDNESDAY, MAY 22nd______________________________________________________________________________
Topic: The Outsiders Review
Agenda: 1. Discuss directions for crossword and otheractivities.
2. Completeand hand in.
Topic: The Outsiders OnePager
Agenda: 1. Discuss style on the PowerPoint and reviewtheme from the Prezi.
2. Discussthe Outsiders’ One Pager Project;begin.
Topic: The Outsiders – Movie/BookComparisons and Contrasts
Agenda: 1. Finish One Pager for the Outsiders.
2. Begin presenting One Pager.
Learning Target: I can analyze texts andwrite for a variety of tasks citing text evidence. (W.7.9,W.7.10)
Language Objective: Read,speak, listen, and write citing text evidence.
Bell Ringer: Read quietly for about 10 minutes every day when you walkinto class.
2nd Grade Ela Worksheets
MONDAY, MAY 27th– Memorial Day
TUESDAY, MAY 28th______________________________________________________________________________
Topic: The Outsiders
About Mrs Land 7th Grade Ela Standards
Agenda: 1. Share The Outsiders One Pagers.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 29th______________________________________________________________________________
Topic: Computer Turn in Day
Agenda: 1. Discuss directions for computer turn in.
7th Grade Ela Workbook Pdf
2. Go tothe library to complete.
THURSDAY, MAY30th – Last Day for Students
Topic: Last Day
Agenda: 1. Culminating activities.